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Stuck in the mud.

It was getting late. It was after 10pm, I was tired and we still hadn't set up camp!

Unexpected delights kept on popping up. Heading to our destination, something caught our eye - a hairy cow. Sammy was delighted. She'd wanted to snap the perfect picture of one her WHOLE trip. FINALLY we'd spotted some. I hadn't realised just how much of an icon they were. Sarah and Sam would stop to snap some, now Sammy was doing the same!

The wildly unkept creatures slowly charmed and disarmed me as well. They were the most beautiful, gentle beasts. The closer I got to them, the more I had to agree.

They were hilarious and just made me smile.

Happy about getting the shots, but horrified that little critters were crawling on her, Sammy had managed to attract ticks. You could literally see them crawling on her green pants. Awful! It turns out that there's been a huge problem with them this season in Scotland. The winter wasn't as frigid as usual consequently there's been an outbreak!

A note on the radio warned us of them. It warned us of Lymes disease. Sammy was horrified.

Eventually getting them off, we continued on our way. A little flustered, the sun was setting fast. We still hadn't found a place to camp. We passed a possibility, we passed another... Sammy wanted it to be right... I honestly didn't care, I just wanted a place...

Coming up to another possibility we slowed. It was on the grass. Sammy, unsure asked,

"Do you think I'll get bogged?"

I got out, walked the grass, and honestly didn't know. It was moist but not muddy...

"I don't think so? Just don't go in the middle."

Under a tree, we settled. It was on a slight slop... Sammy didn't sleep much... Rising to meet the risen sun, we encountered a slight problem... The car was now packed, we were ready and raring to hit the road, but the wheels kept spinning out. Opps.

Sammy was getting pretty worried.

Calmly I said,

"Stop. Don't try again, I'm just going to have a little look see."

Seeing the front tyre was indeed spinning out in the mud, I knew it needed a little traction. Going to find some sticks to put under the wheel, a car passed. I waved them down.

They stopped. I asked for assistance and they very kindly obliged. With two men heaving the back with me, Sammy in the drivers seat steered the little Hyundai Alto back onto the road! WE DID IT!

What's an adventure without a little adventure?

Heading back down the open road, we started again. We saw some more caves - I thought I'd positively FREEZE. Sammy in her teeshirt gave me a new nickname - popsicle.

I most certainly didn't disagree!!! I felt like one!

Pulling into Ullapool at days end, unfortunately it wasn't quite over. Sammy's worst nightmare outplayed itself... We'd gotten groceries and fuel, we'd found a camping spot and were getting ready to cook dinner, then she found one, then two... Tick after tick were clinging to her skin. Horrified, she got the critters out of her thighs and foot, but the one on her back was left for me. The little bugga didn't want to come out!

Sammy was getting more and more stressed - the head was in. I assured her I wouldn't leave it that way, and I didn't... but the poor Sammy had a little wound in her back by the end. Sorry Sammy!!!

Covering it with antiseptic, both of us dreamt of being eaten alive that night!!

Talk about eating… Sammy made the most divine Fennel and Venison dinner before being eaten by the ticks. Ridiculously easy and scrumptiously tasty, it was one meal I will definitely replicate!

What an adventure it was becoming!

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I am a creative, a storyteller, and seeker. Be it of mind, body or spirit, I am forever wanting to discover keys to better myself and my world. 

Life is not always easy. We all have a story, we all have a challenge, but it's what we do in the face of it that either makes or breaks us. 

It's time to walk blind and see what we find.


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