Expect the unexpected.
Waking to the memory of the night before I couldn’t help but smile. It couldn’t have been more perfect.
With the sun just rising and everyone still snoring, silently I stepped out into the fresh air. What a time to be alive.
Chatting to a friend on the other side of the world, I walked for a spell and a half. It was wonderful. I saw the city in a new light, there was a chill in the air, and I had such a lightness of heart. I was beyond grateful. Hearing her news and sharing some of mine warmed my soul like a cup of hot tea.
There were things I wanted to see and do, and finally I felt ready to do it. I felt as though I was 'me' again.
Riding on cloud 9 it was short lived. Mid conversation I could no longer speak. My step was beyond laboured as were all my muscles.
God not again!
A wave of exhaustion swept over me… a debilitating wave.
I’d only walked slowly for what, an hour?
It was beyond frustrating. Overwhelming waves of emotion swept over me as I struggled to comprehend the failure I felt I was. How could I swing from one extreme to the next so quickly?
Still on the phone to my friend we waded through it - somehow.
Plans instantly changed, I didn’t think there was any way I’d manage to walk up Arthur’s Seat. The hill…? No way!
Moping around the Royal Mile the sky opened. We both cried. What a ridiculous scene!
Rebekah could you be any MORE dramatic?
I spied a Museum. It was free, the rain now lashed down… a little warmth couldn’t hurt…
My pride soon would!
Using the amenities to freshen up, I thought the toilet was old fashioned - one with a chain… In my defence there was a long red cord dangling from the ceiling right next to it.
I pulled it. A little too hard.
It broke.
An alarm activated.
Lights flashed.
No, no that definitely didn’t flush the toilet.
Trying to scale the wall to connect the string to try and stop the commotion, the door was now nearly being knocked down as I heard people shouting outside it.
Talk about being humiliated.
The only thing was, I COULDN’T talk because I was TOO humiliated.
THANKFULLY I found the flush before the door barged down! Red faced I tried to apologise, but words wouldn’t escape! By jove did I want to.
Funny enough only a few days beforehand locals thought I was disabled! If only I was a fly upon the wall - what a show it would've been.
Choosing to flee from the scene before making an even greater show I couldn't help but laugh - later, much later! Something had to warm my horrified soul.
Hot chocolate by the palace. Sounded perfect to me!
It definitely sweetened the mood to the hilarious disaster!
Feeling a little more at ease and with the sky clearing I decided to give the walk a little go. What did I have to loose? If I couldn’t walk anymore I’d stop, wait a year and a half and return! Easy.
Making it to the base of the mountain all I could think was,
That looks horrible!
Grinning at my inner dialogue I put one foot in front of the other.
My phone buzzed. It was my sister. Instantly answering it was the perfect distraction. I was making it further and further up the hill. It was working! Grateful for her love and care, I soon couldn’t continue chatting and climbing… my thoughts were definitely full though. She cared. <3
The hill got steeper. The sun shone brighter. My feet got slower.
I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to make it. It made me frustrated - a touch disappointed as well.
Deciding another distraction would be the best method of attack, I went to chat with a fellow hiker… it was very short lived. A lady just ahead fell. Missing a step she started to slide backwards. The elder woman was shaken and very weary thereafter.
Dusting her off, calming her down, we spoke until her breath and confidence was coming back. I could tell she was nervous, so I suggested we tackle the hill together. Stopping every few paces, I stayed behind her until we reached the summit. We’d made it.
She called me her angel, and I called her my friend. Little did she know she was an angel to me as well.
Both grateful for the others' kindness, we eventually made it back to base. Sharing a celebratory beverage, we were both so proud of the others efforts and humbled by our experiences. It was special. After a hug and a kiss on the cheek we parted ways. Jill had a friend to meet and I had errands to do. It wouldn't be the end though - we'd meet again.