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Charmed and disarmed.

Beauty, undeniable.

The air, so very fresh.

My mind and body started

to bother me less and less.

We saw such stunning places -

castles and ruins alike,

striking cliffs, hidden treasures

brought so much delight!

As the day would come to a close

my body would start to fade.

Exhaustion would steal my step and speech

but not the memories made.

Grateful for my new friend,

I was grateful for the time

we shared together as we explored

beauty so divine.

Not knowing what to expect, my bags were packed and keys were returned. How quickly could plans go from zero to hero?!

The day before I’d popped my head into the tourist information. Seeking some ideas and recommendations for the journey ahead I was a little overwhelmed. Some sights were positively breathtaking - but they seemed impossible to get to (either too far off the beaten track, or too pricey to see)... Finally deciding on a rough blueprint, I went back to the hostel to put things into motion.

Just my luck. I encountered roadblock after roadblock! Hostels fully booked, buses didn't align... To say I was getting a little stressed would be putting it politely, but I knew something would eventually work out - it always did. That's when I met Sammy! It was just past 11pm. Who would've known my places of interest were pinpointed on her journey? Who would've known Sammy was nervous about travelling solo? Who would've known what a match we'd make?! She offered a seat in her car, and I very quickly obliged.

I still can't fathom how quickly I agreed to join her journey… we didn’t even know each other… was I crazy??? Yes! Positively so!!

Both smiling and a touch unsure, it was time to face the music. Would it be a disaster or happily ever after??!! Finding space in her very full tiny car, it was time to hit the road!

We saw castles and ruins, we walked up ancient steps and saw stunning settings. Travelling from town to town, sight to sight, I was constantly amazed! I was amazed not just at the extraordinary sights but that I was able to walk around them... that I was physically capable.

I’d been worried about holding her back. I was significantly slower than I once was. I was worried I'd be a burden, but Sammy understood. Whenever we'd hit the road to see a new sight I'd snore in the car, but when we'd arrive, it'd be wunderbar!!!

Setting up camp, being out in the wilderness, it was medicine for my soul. Breathing the fresh, frigid air, being immersed in a world other than my own, brought such clarity. I was so very grateful. Not just for the memories, but for the new friend I'd made.

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Rebekah online-8742 copy_edited_edited.jpg

I am a creative, a storyteller, and seeker. Be it of mind, body or spirit, I am forever wanting to discover keys to better myself and my world. 

Life is not always easy. We all have a story, we all have a challenge, but it's what we do in the face of it that either makes or breaks us. 

It's time to walk blind and see what we find.


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